


Giving Opportunities

Our Parish depends on the generosity of our parishioners and friends to meet the extraordinary demands that come with maintaining two physical plants that are each close to 150 years old.

Please consider supporting our Parish in the following ways:

  • Weekly Offerings: allocated for operating expenses and debt reduction
  • Holiday Offerings: special Christmas and Easter collections
  • Online Giving: Arrange for your financial institution to issue and send your donation by mailed check to the Parish or donate online using Venmo or Zelle
  • Mass Intentions: remember loved ones during weekday and weekend Masses
  • Remembrances: includes Bread & Wine, Sanctuary Lamp, Altar Candles
  • Memorials: at the time of a funeral, consider a gift to help the Parish
  • Bimonthly 50/50 Raffle: Consider taking a chance in our bi-monthly 50/50 raffles to help the Parish. Tickets can be bought at the back of each church after Mass or at either office during the week. Please take some to sell to your co-workers, friends and neighbors. Tickets cost $1.00 each. The raffle is pulled on the last Monday of every other month.

You can find detailed information on various ways to donate in our Parish Support Guide.